Step 1:
Account information
Step 2:
Background information
Step 3:
Contact information
Wrong phone number format or unavailable, please try again.
Send passcode error, please try again.
Wrong passcode, please try again.
Passcode is expired, please try again.
First name can't be empty.
Last name can't be empty.
Email can't be empty.
Email format is invalid.
Password and repeat password does not match..
Please note that all fields marked with a * are required fields.
You have selected YES. Please provide more details about your German studies.
File size exceeds the limit allowed (5 mb).
File type is not supported.
Unknown Error, Please try again.
You have selected YES. Please upload evidence of your studies at Goethe.
You have selected YES. Please specify which level or which institute.
Please note that all fields marked with a * are required fields
Address can't be empty.
City can't be empty.
Country can't be empty.
Zip code can't be empty.
Passport / ID Card Number can't be empty.
Please select gender.
Date of birth can't be empty.
Place of birth can't be empty.
Country of birth can't be empty.
Please note that all fields marked with a * are required fields.
Please accept our Terms & Conditions to register.

Oops! Something went wrong.
Please fill out all the mandatory fields and try again!

Registration Successful
You registration was successful, please wait a few seconds while we redirect you to your dashboard.

Registration Successful
You registration was successful, please wait a few seconds while we redirect you to course page.

Registration Successful
You registration was successful, please wait a few seconds while we redirect you to exam page.