Online Pre-Examination Intensive format training in September

Course Announcement|September 13, 2023
Learners ages 18 and above can sign up now for our online test training course in September. The Online Pre-Examination Intensive format training offers 1-2 days of intensive training for participants who wish to take the A1 to B2 Goethe Certificate exam.

An experienced teacher will cover the following areas: introduction to the exam format, the exam process and the various parts of the exam; introduction to the requirements of the oral part of the exam; helping participants to correctly respond to and prepare for the various dialogue scenarios that will occur in the oral exam; training for the oral and written parts of the exam; and strategies for preparing for the exam, including individual feedback on participants’ performances during the training.



Equipment requirements: Computer with microphone and camera, stable internet connection, downloaded zoom software. After successful registration, we will provide you with a guide to using the zoom software.


Please use our WeChat mini program for your registration.


Important: the menu navigation of the WeChat mini-program is in Chinese. Non-Chinese speakers please register directly by email ( for your desired course. 

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